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Inelastic processes in collision of closed electron shall particles: K+ - He case.
Author: Ramaz LomsadzeCo-authors: M.Gochitashvili, N.Mosulishvili, and R. Kezerashvili.
Keywords: charge exchange, ionization, cross section.
Absolute cross sections for charge exchange, ionization, stripping and excitation in K+ - He collisions were measured in the ion energy range 0.7 – 10 keV. Using a refined experimental setup that includes a transfer electric field methods (a condenser plate method), energy-loss, and angle-and energy –dependent collision of product ions we have measured the absolute total and differential cross sections for the charge exchange, ionization, stripping and excitation processes. The experimental data and the schematic correlation diagram of the (KHe)+ system have been employed to discuss the mechanisms for inelastic processes realized in this collision.
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არადრეკადი პროცესების კვლევა ჩაკეტილი ელექტრონული გარსის მქონე ნაწილაკთა დაჯახებებში : K+ - He შემთხვევა. [ka]Inelastic processes in collision of closed electron shall particles: K+ - He case. [en]