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Application of bacteriophages against fish pathogens in aquaculture

Author: Natela Toklikishvili

Upper Svaneti land use analysis by using digital technologies

Author: Tamar Khardziani

To spread of Chinese Actinide in a new circumstance Its history, treatment and prophylactic importance

Author: tamar aleksidze
Co-authors: Zurab seperteladze, eter davitaia
Keywords: Vegetation, Popularization, Edge – jagged, The pulp, Inoculation

Evaluation of Agro-resource Potential of Achtinedia (Kiwi)

Author: eter davitaia
Co-authors: Zurab seperteladze, Tamar Aleksidze
Keywords: landscapes, agriresource potencial, Etalon-object, multifactoral analjsis

Physical Geographical Zoning of West Georgia in order to reveal perspective regions for spreading Chinese Actinide (Kiwi)

Author: zurab seperteladze
Co-authors: eter davitaia, tamar aleksidze
Keywords: Zoning, Geocomplex, Taxonomical range, Region

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