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Diversity and Ecotopology of Dendroflora of Heidelbergcements Limestone Quarries in Dedoplistskaro

Author: Shamil Shetekauri
Keywords: Limestone quarries, Dendroflora

1.Sub-desert vegetation, Arid forest, Phryganoid vegetation, -Steppe, Hemixerophilous Shrubbery of Shibliak, Foothill Deciduous Forests, Floodplain Forests, Saline Meadows and Hygrophilous vegetation saline meadows are mainly distributed in Kiziki Istorical-geographical Region. 2. 39 species of trees and shrubs, belonging to 31 genera and 16 familese, are distributed in Dedoplistskaro. Leading familie are Rosaceae with 7 Genera (Cerasus, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Malus, Mespilus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rubus, Rosa) and 12 species and Fam. Caprifoliaceae (with 2 genera and 4 species) 3. Cenoticaly Leading Species are: Paleurus spina-christi, Carpinus orientalis, Crataegus pentagyna, Crataegus kyrtostylla, Cornus mas, Swida australis. 4. Geographycal elements represented in Dedoplistskaro dendroflora indicate the influence of various floristic centers: Europ- Medit (7 species), Cauc-As. Anter (3), Europ, Medit, Medit- As. Anter, Medit, Palearkt (by 2-2 species), Cauc-Medit, Medit-Europ-As.anter (by 1-1) etc geographic elements play significendt role in the structure of the dendroflora. Such diversity of geographical elements indicates the diversity and peculiarity of dendroflora. 5.Around Dedoplistskaro limestone querries we have registrated 7. micro habitats: 1.Forest habitat 2. Shrub habitat 3. Forests-shrubs habitat 4.Meadow habitats 5. Limestone stream habitat 6. Limestone rocks habitat 7. Limstone stream+ rock habitat

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