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Application of the Method of Auxiliary Sources for Analysis of Periodic Structures

Author: David Kakulia
Co-authors: V. Ghoghoberidze, გ. ღვედაშვილი
Keywords: MAS, Periodic Structures, Lattice Sum

The Method of auxiliary sources is one of the powerful numerical tools for solving electrodynamic problems. Its Application area grows with the development of the method. One of the latest phases of its development is connected with the expansion of the method on periodic structures. The presentation discusses mathematical aspects of the Method of auxiliary sources in electrodynamic problems, and possibility of its application in solution of quantitatively similar and qualitatively different physics problems. The results of numerical calculations and reliability analysis are presented.

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დამხმარე გამოსხივებლების მეთოდი პერიოდული სტრუქტურების ანალიზისათვის [ka]

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