Key Characteristics of Dental Information System
Author: Maia ArchuadzeCo-authors: Nia Khachidze
Keywords: Information System, E-medicine
Information system used in medicine is one of the leading components in e-medicine. Development and implementation as well as availability of dental information systems in internet resources will increase patients' (including potential patients') level of awareness and help overcome a number of fear factors. All of this will contribute to the timely and effective treatment. This type of information system should consist of two main modules - "the Patient" and "the Clinic". The main function of the module ''the Patient'' is as follows: data on each patient is stored in the system (confidentiality issues should be considered, but at the same time there should be the possibility of accessing this information should the treating doctor change). Main functions of the module "the Clinic" include a database of certified doctors, a database for specific treatments in concrete clinics, arranging virtual consultations. In addition it is quite important for the customer (patient) to be able to access information system to get information about safe and permitted self-treatment. The system must have a flexible user interface. Logical diagram of the said system has been worked out. Detailed designing of separate modules is in process.
Lecture files:
Key Characteristics of Dental Information System [en]დენტოლოგიური ინფორმაციული სისტემის ძირეული თავისებურებები [ka]