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Obtaining of Initial Compounds based on Arsenic-containing Industrial Wastes for producing of various bioactive compounds

Author: Kristina Giorgadze
Co-authors: Nodar Lekishvili, Maia Rusia, Neli Sagaradze
Keywords: industrial waste, arsenic, hydro arsenate, anthelminth.

Extraction of arsenic from wastes of mining-chemical factory, - privately, residues obtained by fumigation of realgar (As4S4) - auripiginent (As4S6) ore by higher aliphatic alcohols have been carried out. The obtained with high condition arsenical acid’s esters (RO)3As undergo hydrolysis in aqueous solution with formation of white arsenic and corresponding alcohol. This alcohol can be again used as extragent, so process becomes cyclic and continuous. From the alcohol exstracts barium and stroncium hydro arsenates have been obtained, which maybe used in medicine in particular in homeopathy and in veterinary as anthelminths. The cationic-anionic complexes with some transition metals (Hg) have been obtained, which have perspectives for using in analytical chemistry.

Lecture files:

Obtaining of Initial Compounds based on Arsenic-containing Industrial Wastes for producing of various bioactive compounds [en]
სხვადასხვა ბიოაქტიური ნივთიერებების სინთეზის მიზნით დარიშხანშემცველი წარმოების ნარჩენებიდან საწყისი ნაერთების მიღება [ka]

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