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Nitric oxide and its role in cardiovascular disease

Author: Natalia Dachanidze
Keywords: Nitric oxide, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis

characterization of the kalikreins as the seatured biomarkers of cancer

Author: Ketevan Chubinidze
Keywords: kallikrein, biomarker, cancer

Specific patterns of the photosynthesis within imitated Martian conditions

Author: Mariam Tarasashvili
Keywords: Mars, Bioremediation, Terraformation, Shikimate photosynthesis, Complex-substances

The dependence of changes of galectin-1 and galectin-3 subcellular distribution on prostate pathogenesis

Author: Elene Davitashvili
Co-authors: Elene Davitashvili, Nino Kvitsinadze, Iveta Megrelishvili
Keywords: galeqtinebi, prostate, pathology

Isolation as the inducer of oxidative stress

Author: George Burjanadze
Co-authors: George Burjanadze, Natalia Dachanidze
Keywords: Stress, Brain, Melatonin, Antioxidant system, Isolation, circadian rhythm

Melatonin quantitative changes and antioxidant system activity of heart muscle cells.

Author: Natalia Dachanidze
Co-authors: Giorgi Burjanadze, Ketevan Menabde, Nana Koshoridze
Keywords: stress, melatonin, heart muscle cells

Impact of Psycho-Emotional Stress on Activity of Brain Antioxidant System and Energy Metabolism in Naturally Aggressive (Killer) Animals

Author: Nana Koshoridze
Co-authors: Zurab Kuchukashvili,Giorgi Burjanadze,Natalida Dachanidze,Ketevan Menabde, Matrona Chachua
Keywords: Stress, agression, brain

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